School-age children – who are, on average, between 7 and 10 years old – live in an intermediate phase between pre-school (where growth is faster) and puberty/adolescence, characterized by an increase in social interaction. In this context, food represents a fundamental act in integrations and live experiences. Therefore, in addition to the family nucleus, the school environment represents a strong influence, and the school lunch is one of the main tools for this role. It´s highlighted how school lunch can benefit the nutritional conditions of children and young people, minimizing the body´s physiological deficiencies that may result from inadequate food consumption. Some studies, however, have shown that this reality in practice is still outside the ideal. There is evidence that for all age groups, the consumption of food sources of vitamin A, B complex, calcium, iron and zinc is inadequate. Even though they may have adequate weight for their age, there is a tendency for the food consumption of children and adolescents to be inadequate in terms of vitamins and minerals, with a predominance of foods with low nutritional value. It´s observed in the literature that, depending on the cultural and governmental conditions of each region, the supply of micronutrients is, in most cases, insufficient. The need to vary the sources of food and nutrients offered in snack´s is advocated, in order to make them richer in nutrients that children need, such as fruits and vegetables.
An alternative to balance the contribution of micronutrients offered in snacks would be with the presence of fortified and/or enriched foods and beverages.
The Lithothamnion and its composition
The Lithothamnion seaweed is a natural raw material, 100% organic with IBD and GMP – Good Manufacture Practices certification, being safe for human consumption. Largely rich in minerals and easily absorbed amino acids, it´s composed of more than 70 nutrients, below we show its nutritional profile with the main constituents:
NUTRITION FACTS Serving size of 100g * |
% DV **
Brazil, RDC 269 |
% DV
CODEX¨ CAC/GL 2-1985 |
% DV FDA CFR-21 | % DV Europe 2008/100/CE | ||
Calories |
28 kcal |
1.4% |
1.2% |
- |
- |
Carbohydrates |
7.0 g |
2.3% |
- |
- |
- |
Protein |
0.5 g |
1% |
1% |
- |
- |
Sodium |
347 mg |
17% |
- |
- |
- |
Calcium |
34500 mg |
3450% |
4312% |
2654% |
4312% |
Magnesium |
3.27 g |
779% |
1090% |
778% |
872% |
Iron |
77.6 mg |
554% |
554% |
431% |
554% |
Phosphorus |
34.1 mg |
5% |
4% |
2.7% |
4.9% |
Manganese |
1.47 mg |
49% |
49% |
63.9% |
73.5% |
Copper |
72 µg |
8% |
8% |
8% |
7.2% |
Selenium |
50 µg |
83% |
83% |
91% |
91% |
Potassium |
38 mg |
1.1% |
- |
1% |
2% |
Molybdenum |
151 µg |
335% |
335% |
335% |
302% |
Zinc |
0.18 mg |
1.6% |
1.2% |
1.6% |
1.8% |
The Amino Acid Profile – Lithothamnion seaweed
Amino Acid |
Concentration |
Alanine |
0,22 mg/g |
Arginine |
0,28 mg/g |
Aspartic Acid |
0,53 mg/g |
Cysteine |
0,45 mg/g |
Glutamine |
0,10 mg/g |
Glycine |
0,14 mg/g |
Histidine |
0,16 mg/g |
Isoleucine |
0,18 mg/g |
Leucine |
0,12 mg/g |
Lysine |
0,49 mg/g |
Methionine |
0,40 mg/g |
Phenylalanine |
0,18 mg/g |
Proline |
0,19 mg/g |
Serine |
0,19 mg/g |
Threonine |
0,28 mg/g |
Tryptophan |
0,07 mg/g |
Tyrosine |
0,25 mg/g |
Valine |
0,51 mg/g |
Source: Litholife |
This resource is able to offer sufficient amounts of calcium, in balance and harmony with other important minerals for your metabolism, such as magnesium and phosphorus. The balance between the natural components is a highlight, since isolated nutrient supplements are already found to be harmful in many cases.
The direct health benefits of a supplement of this caliber would be strengthening teeh, bones, joints and muscle tissue, improving the body´s alkalization process, optimizing enzyme formation and hormone signaling, among others.
In addition to calcium, looking at other main minerals in the composition, we have the following actions:
- Benefits in muscle function and relaxation;
- Improvement in symptoms of anxiety, irritability and insomnia;
- Prevention of cramps;
- Memory optimization;
- Improvement in headaches and bowel function;
- Alkalinization of blood;
- Aid in the cardiovascular and bone system;
- Improvement in blood pressure and inflammation;
- Transport and storage of oxygen in the body;
- Production of energy;
- Improved immune system;
- Aid in liver detoxification;
- Participation in fat metabolism;
- Action in the formation of serotonin (well-being hormone);
- Formation of collagen in the body;
- Antioxidant function;
- Assistance in the body´s detoxification system;
- Influence on the formation of thyroid hormones;
- Promotion of greater resistance of the immune system;
- Anti-cancer activity;
- Anti-diabetic action;
- Detoxifying action;
- Aid for digestion;
- Improved liver metabolism;
Calcium Supplements
The most common calcium supplements are inorganic or mineral ones, such as calcium carbonate, oyster calcium and calcium citrate, which do not have the same absorption efficiency. In addition, chemical processes, being not so natural, usually extract them. Check the absorption capacity of each option:
Lithothamnion seaweed |
Oyster Calcium |
Calcium Citrate |
Calcium Carbonate |
Bioavailability Rate |
86,70% |
27,40% |
38,00% |
69,70% |
Furthermore, these versions do not have the same nutritional profile when compared to Lithothamnion seaweed.
Effects reported in the literature |
Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Citrate |
Increased calcium excretion by the kidneys. |
Imbalance in the calcium/magnesium and calcium/phosphorys ratio in the body. |
Associated with lower levels of parathyroid hormone (calcium regulator) when in constant use. |
Some disadvantages also reported by studies are the possibility of triggering allergic processes. The algae source, in turn, does not have these amages, or any reported side effects. This raises a big question regarding the choice of the type of supplementation, since in childhood the formation of the skeleton is under development and an adequate nutrition status is essential.
Lithothamnion seaweed applications:
Lithothamnion is a source of calcareous algae, whose extraction source is naturally renewable and sustainable. Its application in food and beverages takes the form of powder, already widely used as a raw material for food fortification in Europe (French breads are an example). A big advantage is the versatility. Foods that could be combined with supplementation could be from animal/vegetable source milk to juices, cookies, flour or all its derivatives. Here we have a reality that is easy to apply in the school environment. This type of source also has a low cost, since the quantity of the product does not need to be high and it has good use – small doses already guarantee an excellent supply of minerals, with great absorption capacity. As a consequence, there would be a maximization of results with little use of raw material, without changing the texture and aroma of the original products. In general, these compounds will also bring benefits for the maintenance and optimization of shelf life, texture and food homogeneity. It´s, therefore, a suggestion of this raw material as an alternative for the supplementation and/or enrichment of products that are offered in school lunches, which have such a significant role in the protection and improvement of school performance, providing the growth and development of children who are find at this stage.
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